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Missionary Kids
Missionary Kids

Rosalea Cameron



18+ yrs


Identity, Missionaries, MK, Christian, Transition, TCK, Relationships


Rosalea Cameron was raised in Papua New Guinea as a missionary child. She completed her teacher training in Australia and her post-graduate studies by extension from various Australian universities while living in Africa. In her doctoral studies she researched the special strengths and challenges that children raised abroad carry throughout their adult years. This book is the fruit of that work. How is it possible that a Canadian who spent childhood years in Kenya can have shared culture with a New Zealander who spent childhood years in the Solomon Islands, and a Korean who spent childhood years in South Africa? How can these individuals have an affinity both as children and as adults? Furthermore, how is it that they can share common profile traits in their adults years? These questions need answers, for those who experience the MK life, for those who walk through it with them, and for those who seek to understand the adult choices made and the values held by these individuals. "Missionary Kids" is a rich resource for those raised abroad who are seeking to understand themselves. If you spent a significant amount of your childhood overseas, you will find yourself in these pages. This book is also recommended reading for the parents, caregivers and spouses of MKs.

*Rosalea has served as a GP Missionary in southern Africa.

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